Yesterday I rolled into Hot Springs, North Carolina, a very small hiker friendly town. The Appalachian Trail goes right down the main street of this pre civil war town. The Trail has been going great. I'm 14 days in, and besides the nero day (near zero miles) I took yesterday and the shorter day today as a result of hanging in town, I'm crusing at 22 miles a day. That's slightly above the 21.85 average I need to complete this in 100 days. Evertything is going great out here. I spend most nights in trail side hiker shelter, though I have tented several times too.
There are no big views like the Pacific Crest Trail. There were some through the Great Smokey Mountains National Park, but for the most part, the trail is a long green tunnel. Trapped in dense forest.
In the Smokey's at a shelter some tourists from Chicago and Michigan, gave me a bottle of Glen Fiddich Scotch, which made for a very tipsy day of hiking.
No Blisters yet though, which is cool. I need a smart phone to update daily from the trail, but for now the occasional internet will do. I am maintaining a journal every night. I may decide to post this in the fall when I'm done hiking, but for now, it would be to consuming to try to write and post while in town at the library.
There is no cell service with AT&T in this town, which is a bummer, I would love to make some calls. I just saw that I got a 4.0 GPA this semester taking 17 credit hours, and having a part time job.
So far I have seen 1 bear, while on the shuttle to Mt. Springer, the start of the trail. Many salamanders, 1 four foot long black snake, tons of spiders, millipedes, centipedes, birds, 1 Turkey, deer, Chipmunks and squirrels.
Appalachian Trail class of 2011 Rocks!!!
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